sera VIVO and calendar

Sera VIVO und Sera Kalender

Available from now on: sera VIVO with exciting contributions and the sera calendar with exclusive pictures.

Aquarium, terrarium and pond keepers can now find the new issue of sera VIVO in the trade. Helpful advice and exciting stories about the hobby ensure joyful reading. Now also available: the sera calendar 2014 with exclusive pictures of extraordinary creatures.


Ranging from the setup of a marine aquarium via the trend hobby ‘aquascaping’ up to organic pollution in ponds – exciting topics in the new issue of VIVO ensure joyful reading. Aquarium, terrarium and pond keepers will find inspiring contributions and practical support all around their hobby.

sera also again created the popular calendar with impressive pictures for 2014. The inspiring pictures show extraordinary water inhabitants and their habitat. The fascinating pictures are accompanied by well founded information throughout the forthcoming year.


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