sera soil heating set - the new computer controlled soil heater with filter effect

sera soil heating set - the new computer controlled soil heater with filter effect

An optimally designed bottom zone is one of the basic requirements for conditions close to nature in aquariums. The new sera soil heating set allows setting up the aquarium bottom ground in a way that ensures splendid plant growth in a predominantly planted aquarium. Installing the sera soil heating set has positive effects on the water parameters also in tanks without plants - mere fish aquariums.

A soil heater creates little temperature gradients of approximately 1 - 2 Celsius degrees within the bottom. This temperature difference ensures water circulation into the soil and back, as warm water rises and cold water sinks down. Due to the circulation the plant roots are supplied with nutrients considerably better. The filtrating bacteria settling within the soil also can break down pollutants from the water much better.

The sera soil heating set consists of a transformer, a special controller and 6 meters of heating cable. The transfomer generates the required low valtage for the heater and the controller. It therefore also increases aquarium safety. The controller monitors the water temperature by a measuring probe near the bottom. According to a pre-adjusted desired value, the controller regulates the heat emitted by the heating cable. The heating cable has a wattage of 50 Watts and does not replace the normal aquarium heater. There is a simple reason for this: Stronger heat would damage the sensitive roots of the aquarium plants.

For professional bottom setup, the soil above the heater should consist of sera floreground, sera floredepot and aquarium gravel. This creates an optimal soil structure for perfect water flow and allows the soil to become active as an additional large biological filter within the aquarium.

Perfect plant growth, simultaneous reduction of pollutants and avoiding rot zones within the aquarium soil are the results.

The sera soil heating set for less maintenance efforts and more joy in the hobby.


Product information

sera soil heating set

sera Soil-Heating-Set

The innovative sera soil heating set ensures optimal plant growth, and at the same time turns the soil into an additional biological filter.


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