Systemic pond care

  • with improved active agent formula
  • easy and effective application
  • scientifically tested


At the beginning - Recognize problems correctly

Knowing the relevant water parameters is the basic precondition for providing optimal environmental conditions for the inhabitants of the pond biotope throughout the year. The extensive range of sera tater test kits allows measuring all important parameters easily, quickly and precisely. In case the levels are outside the recommended range, you can immediately correct them using the corresponding sera care products.

The far-sighted stabilization of the equilibrium in the pond directly prevents severe problems such as diseases and algae multiplication. Animals and plants will thrive without much care effort; the water remains crystal clear.


Weitere Informationen

Overview about the optimal pond water parameters

Pond water care

Optimize pond water parameters

Remove algae from the pond

Cure diseases of pond fish


    The new pond care system by sera solves all problems in ponds with just one product per step. Wrong water parameters, diseases and, above all, algae are the main problems in ponds. In such cases, the pond care system for permanently unspoiled pond joy provides support.

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