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sera guide - Healthy aquarium fish

9.4 sera med Professional Nematol Observation Loss of appetite, apathy, weakness, dead adult worms [up to 1 cm (0.4 in.)] in the fish waste. Diagnosis: Discus pinworm / Oxyuris sp. Discus pinworms occur in the intestines of dis- cus fish, where they withdraw important nutri- ents from the predigested food pulp. The af- fected fish become emaciated and suffer from deficiencies. The worms form tight tufts within the intestines of the fish, which may cause an ileus. The animals weakened by the infection often suffer from subsequent diseases that sometimes are fatal. The distribution of the worms throughout the fish stock takes place by the worm eggs being taken up while the fish eat from the bottom of the aquarium. sera med Professional Nematol according to the instructions is used for treating the oxyurids. A second treatment is carried out after about 3 weeks as to kill the larvae that have hatched in the meantime as well. Discus pinworm If you have the opportunity to keep your fish in a separate tank for a longer while (at least four weeks in case of egg-laying nematodes) after having treated them with sera med Professional Nematol, the main tank without the fish will be entirely free of the parasites after this period, so no reinfection can occur. In case this method is not applicable for you it is possible to treat the fish in quarantine a second time and, if required, even further times in intervals of three weeks each, which will finally remove possible reinfections entirely. However, leave the fish for at least two days in fresh, non-treated water in the quarantine tank after the corresponding treatment is finished. This will avoid possible active agent remainders from getting into the main tank where the sensitive invertebrates are. 55 Professional