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sera guide - Healthy aquarium fish

9.4 sera med Professional Nematol Observation Frightened behavior, loss of appetite, emacia- tion, slimy fish waste. Diagnosis: Capillaria sp. A slight infection of the intestines with this very thin, long worm often remains unnoticed for a long time. It can thus spread gradually over the entire fish stock. In particular, juvenile fish are permanently harmed by growth problems. A follow-up treatment with sera med Profes- sional Nematol after about three weeks is re- quired in case of these egg-laying worms.Pearl Gourami with Capillaria infestation in the intestines Observation Reddish worm ends hang out of the anus; whitish fish waste, emaciation due to loss of blood, apathy. Camallanus worms parasitize in the rectum of fish. There they attach to the intestinal wall with their front end that resembles a milling head, and suck blood. The intestinal wall may get perforated and increasingly permeable for Camallanus cotti Diagnosis: Camallanus sp. pathogens by the clasping. Due to their blood meals, the worms have a brownish red color. The end of the adult females hangs out of the anus of the infected fish by a few millimeters. In case of being disturbed it quickly retreats in- to the intestines. The larvae are released from the worm end sticking out, fall to the ground, are swallowed by fish that consider them food organisms, and infect them this way. This al- lows the parasite to spread quickly in the aquarium once it has been introduced. The treatment is carried out with sera med Professional Nematol according to the in- structions for use. Single application is suffi- cient in case of the livebearing Asian species Camallanus cotti (no intermediate host), which is most frequently found in freshwater aquari- ums, as in this case larvae (no eggs) are re- leased, which are directly killed as well. 56 Professional