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sera guide - Healthy pond fish

29 quality food may enhance the harmful multiplication of intestinal flagellates and bacteria. All sera foods optimally match the requirements of the fish as exclusively aquatic organisms are used as protein and fat sources. They therefore ensure healthy development and vitality. The high quality sera foods are entirely digested, thus avoid- ing unnecessary water pollution. sera KOI Professional Spirulina Color Food is partic- ularly well suited for regenerating the in- testinal flora. Diagnosis: page 13 Piscinoodinium is a sin- gle celled ectoparasite on the body surface that is often mistaken for Ichthyophthirius (white spot disease) due to its appearance. However, the spots caused by Piscinoodinium are con- siderably smaller in comparison. Longer, rath- er highly concentrated salt baths with sera ectopur in a quarantine tank achieve good success. The final salt concentration must be adjusted to the fish species in question. For instance, cyprinids tolerate salt very well (at over 5 g/l the salt is nevertheless added in several steps for safety reasons). In a normal to slightly elevated application concentra- tion (0.1 to 1 g/l), sera ectopur also leads to alleviation in the pond itself and supports self healing. Piscinoodinium pillulare in a skin swab Piscinoodinium, Velvet disease Diagnosis: page 12 A flagellate infestation of the intestines plus the frequently occurring subsequent severe bacterial infection lead to insufficient uptake of vitamins and minerals. This deficiency becomes visible by the so-called hole-in-the- head disease, among others. However, the appearance of hole-in-the-head disease is often also caused by malnutrition and too soft water containing insufficient minerals alone. The widespread single celled intestinal flag- ellates are harmless in low density but can multiply very strongly within the intestines in case of stress and unsuitable or poor qual- ity fish nutrition. They will then harm the infected fish very badly and may even be fatal. The same applies for severe intestinal infestation with certain bacteria. The patho- gens withdraw important nutrients, min- erals and vitamins from the food pulp, affect digestion and damage the intestinal mucous membrane. The fish organism tries to com- pensate the subsequent deficiency of min- erals, among others, by decomposing and reutilizing cartilaginous tissue at the head. This causes the typical holes. Recovery of the fishes’ digestive tract is a long lasting pro- cess and needs to be supported by an anti- bacterial treatment in many cases if there is a strong contribution of pathogenic bacteria. This treatment is very effectively carried out with sera baktopur direct in a quarantine tank or with sera KOI BAKTO TABS (pro- vided the fish take up nutrition). A varied diet close to nature plus regular addition of sera pond bio balance (contains valuable minerals and stabilizes water quali- ty) as required and sera KOI MULTIVITAMIN prevent hole-in-the-head disease and sup- port the healing process. Unsuitable poor 6.4 Treating flagellate infections Intestinal flagellates (Hexamita sp., Spironu- cleus sp. as well as other parasites such as Proto- opalina sp., Trichomonas sp., Cryptobia sp.) and/or hole-in-the-head disease Spironucleus sp.