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sera guide - Healthy pond fish

In close cooperation with the working group of the well known parasitologist, Prof. Dr. Heinz Mehlhorn (Heinrich-Heine- Universität Düsseldorf/Germany), sera suc- ceeded in marketing a range of unique, highly effective over the counter treat- ments, some of which a patent is already applied for. The products mainly appeal to versed, experienced users who look for quick and specific support from highly effective treatments after having diagnosed a specific disease. Such high performance treatments require a certain amount of care while using them. Therefore, be sure to treat according to the corresponding information for use as to ensure safe and unproblematic application. Currently, the sera med Professional range comprises sera med Professional Protazol, sera med Professional Tremazol, sera med Professional Nematol, sera med Pro- fessional Argulol and sera med Professio- nal Flagellol. Each of these treatments is optimally designed for professional use and works in a safe, effective and directed way even in extremely persistent cases. In some fields the Professional treatments add to the well proven, reliable sera treat- ments of the standard range. In some other areas the preparations of this range are unrivaled – also concerning competitors – and we keep on researching… 44 Highly effective and well tolerated 9 sera med Professional treatments Professional