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sera guide - Healthy pond fish

9.2 sera med Professional Protazol 48 9.3 sera med Professional Tremazol sera med Professional Tremazol contains the highly effective agent Praziquantel, which is successfully used against flatworm infections in human and veterinarian medicine since a long time ago. The patented, highly effective agent dissolving complex ensures even distribution of the otherwise poorly soluble substance in water, making the active agent get to the pathogen very quickly. The effect spectrum of the treatment ranges from gill and skin flukes to tapeworms and digenetic trematodes (symptoms include worm cataract). Besides its excellent efficacy it is also very well toler- ated. Treat infected pond fish in a quarantine tank and provide good aera- tion, according to the information leaflet. Prophylactic application in a short term bath is possible in case of newly purchased animals or plants that might introduce pathogens. Observation Isolated, whitish thickened areas on the mucous membrane (partially stringy); small pale areas on the skin; apathy and loss of appetite. The fish scrub themselves and occasionally wince with their fins. Diagnosis: Trichodina, Tetrahymena, Chilodonella Trichodina infection see also page 31 Professional