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sera guide - Healthy pond fish

50 9.4 sera med Professional Nematol This treatment reliably allows to remove parasitic threadworms. The cylindrical, usually slender threadworms or nematodes live in the intestines of the fish. Their larvae wander through different organs. The fish may die if this leads to irreversible damage of vital organs. Treat in a quarantine tank and be aware that the treatment is not tolerated by invertebrates (e.g. crustaceans and snails). Observation Reddish worm ends hang out of the anus; whitish fish waste, emaciation due to loss of blood, apathy. Diagnosis: Camallanus sp. Observation Frightened behavior, loss of appetite, ema- ciation, slimy fish waste. Diagnosis: Capillaria sp. Camallanus worms parasitize in the rectum of fish. There they attach to the intestinal wall with their front end that resembles a milling head, and suck blood. The intestinal wall may get perforated and increasingly permeable for pathogens by the clasping. Due to their blood meals, the worms have a brownish red color. The end of the adult females hangs out of the anus of the infect- ed fish by a few millimeters. In case of being disturbed it quickly retreats into the intesti- nes. A slight infection of the intestines with this very thin, long worm often remains unno- ticed for a long time. It can thus spread grad- ually over the entire fish stock. In particular, juvenile fish are permanently harmed by growth problems. Camallanus cotti Thin, long worm in the intestines Professional