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sera guide - Healthy pond fish

66 The contents of this guide were compiled by an expert team with all required care and according to newest scientific findings. Nevertheless, this short brochure can only give an overview about some of the most common fish diseases and their causes. Rarely occurring diseases or those that cannot be treated at all or only with support from a veterinarian (e.g. ulcers caused by cancer, nerve damages and genetic deformations) are not included here. In such cases, we wish to refer you to further specific literature, e.g. to the easily under- standable and abundantly illustrated book, “Krankheiten der Aquarienfische” by the Tip – Broad range treatments Carefully observing the fish is of course not as easy in a pond as it is in an aquari- um. It will therefore not always be possi- ble to get a precise diagnosis, especially in large natural ponds and rather shy fish. The sera product range therefore includes three broad range treatments specially developed for ponds – sera pond omnipur, sera pond omnisan and sera pond cyprinopur – that allow for a gentle, successful treatment even if the precise disease cause is unknown. The broad effect ranges of these treatments each cover a large part of the pathogens that commonly affect ornamental pond fish. 2 Recognizing fish diseases sera specialist Dieter Untergasser, issued by the Kosmos Verlag (available only in German language). Please note that the chemical and biologi- cal conditions in different ponds may differ very strongly. It is therefore not possible to precisely predict the exact reaction for each single pond and for each animal species. This in particular applies if chemical sub- stances have entered the pond with water, organic pollution or previous treatments and might cause unpredictable cross reac- tions with the treatments. A general war- ranty and liability for personal injuries, prop- erty damage or financial loss due to the treatment suggestions in this guide is there- fore excluded by the editor. !!