Advice for proper pond care

Frau gibt Sera KOI PROTECT ins Teichwasser

Pond keepers condition the newly added water with sera KOI PROTECT for neutralizing heavy metals. Photo: sera

The last snow has thawed, the icy temperatures are over, and the sun shows its face for a longer time. It is spring, and a starting signal for all pond keepers to prepare their oasis for the summer season. The following advice by sera shows which measures make this work without any trouble.

1. Cleaning the pond

Pond cleaning should only take place when the water has reached a temperature of 12 °C (54 °F). Remove leaves and dead plant parts with a net. Remove excess deposits at the bottom with a sludge pump, or use preparations that decompose mud and sludge, which break down the deposits biologically. It is furthermore advisable to change about a third of the pond water for removing pollutants that have formed during autumn and winter. Condition the newly added water with sera KOI PROTECT for protecting the pond inhabitants against stress and for neutralizing heavy metals.

2. Check water parameters

Pond keepers should check the water parameters for maintaining optimal water quality and, accordingly, a healthy environment for fish and plants. This is best done with specific tests (pH, kH, nitrite, nitrate or phosphate test), for instance by sera. The free online laboratory on provides an extensive analysis with precise recommendations.

3. Powerful filtration

An effective filter with a high performance filter medium such as sera siporax Professional provides an essential contribution to unobjectionable water quality. It provides a three-dimensional pore and tunnel structure. This allows the formation of particularly powerful biofilms that grow into the pores and cover their walls. Purification bacteria can therefore settle optimally. Other filter media with larger surface sizes usually have too small pores where the purification bacteria cannot settle. If the pores and tunnels are too large, the bacteria will be rinsed away and therefore also cannot provide their service. sera siporax Professional therefore achieves 34 times as much filter performance compared to ceramic filter materials.

4. Avoid algae nutrients

If you lastingly and in advance bind phosphate, the algae growth supporter # 1, you will lastingly prevent mass multiplication of annoying algae. Special products (e.g. sera pond phosvec) reliably bind present phosphate.

These measures allow pond fans to enjoy watching their idyllic pond glistening in the sun.

The helpful sera guide “Healthy Pond Fish” is also available from stores. It informs about fish diseases and various treatment possibilities.

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