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Aquarienpflege_mit_System_US - Water testing

5 ©YuriSamsonov– Checking the water parameters pH value, carbonate hardness (KH), ammonium and nitrite are among the most important water parameters. Extreme deviation from the desired values may immediate- ly lead to life threatening situations. Whenever the appearance or the be- havior of the fish becomes conspic- uous, or other anomalies (such as plants dying suddenly) are observed in the aquarium, you should first check the basic water parameters. The sera Quick Test strips are par- ticularly easy to use and can be used for routine controls. We recommend the sera pH-Test, sera kH-Test, sera NH4/NH3-Test and sera NO2- Test for more precise results. Total hardness (GH), nitrate, phosphate, iron, copper, chlorine, silicate and oxygen Well-versed aquarists also know the average values for these parameters in their aquariums. Checking them every now and then is usually suf- ficient. In case of a corresponding suspicion (e.g. intoxications, algae growth, gasping for air) the param- eters in question must be checked immediately and in a directed way. item no. 08920
