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sera guide - Keeping goldfish according to nature

13 For an in-depth look at changing, con­di­ tion­ing, and biologically filtering your water, ask for our sera guide “Aquarium care ac- cording to nature”. Even with the best care and feeding, fish can get sick once in a while. In our sera guide, “Healthy aquarium fish”, we help you identify the causes that lead to disease, recognize several diseases, and suggest a proactive approach to prevention. sera recommends conducting a partial water change of 25 – 30% once a week. The fresh tap water should be poured into a container, brought to the same temperature as the aquarium water, and conditioned with sera aquatan to bind any heavy met­ Goldfish care als and protect the mucous membrane of the goldfish. Pour the water into the aquarium. Add sera bio nitrivec to the aquarium water to ensure quick recovery of the bio- logical purification cycle. Enrich the water with minerals by using sera mineral salt if you live in an area with soft water. We recommend checking a few of the more important water parameters on a weekly basis – and correcting them if necessary. sera test kits work with liquid reagents, are simple to use, and can detect even small concentrations. We recommend the follo- wing sera test kits initially: GH Total hardness KH Carbonate hardness pH value NH4/NH3 Ammonium/ammonia NO2 Nitrite NO3 Nitrate
