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Besides light, plants also require a number of inorganic nutrients. Aquatic plants either take them up directly from the water via their leaves, or they withdraw them from the bottom via their roots. Healthy growth requires all es- sential nutrients being available in sufficient amounts. The most common deficiencies are caused by insufficient supply of carbon, nitrate, phosphate, potassium, iron or magnesium (regular con- trol using the sera water test kits). Insufficient supply can either occur if the original water is low in these substances, or by con- sumption, or because the sub- stance is not present in water lastingly and stable (as is the case with iron). If the plants, for instance, look pale, become blotched or grow poorly this is most probably due to insufficient nutrient supply. However, the environmental conditions (such as pH value, lighting, tempera- ture) should be checked, and the possibility of a disease (e.g. fun- gi and viruses) must be taken into account. sera developed the innovative sera plant care system for a con- tinuous nutrient supply and, accordingly optimal growth con- ditions. Its flexibly useable bal- anced components allow the effective supply of the plants with all required nutrients in optimal bioavailability without unnecessary pollution by excess nutrients. 5 Nutrients Carbon deficiency is one of the most common reasons for insuf- ficient growth of aquatic plants. The sera flore CO2 fertilization system ensures safe and intense supply! Advice: You can obtain data about the special requirements of single plant species from your specialized retailer or from literature. Nutrient requirements generally increase with plant density, carbon dioxide supply and lighting intensity/strength.
