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Like a dream

This small aquarium also profits very much from a beautifully designed background. Using background design elements such as, in this case, stones and roots also in the remaining tank setup will make the tank appear as if cut out of nature. South American Butterfly Cichlids and African Killifish live to- gether in this aquarium. Although these fish originate from dif- ferent regions they have the same requirements concerning their environment. Both species prefer an aquarium set up with stones, roots and plants that allow hiding. Both species also require free space for swimming. The water should be rather soft (total hardness lower than 10°dH) for keeping these two species. sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 7) 8 Butterfly Cichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi) 2 Cape Lopez Lyretail/Killifish (Aphyosemion australe) 6 1 Vallisneria spiralis 2 2 Root with Vesicularia dubyana 1 3 Stone with Riccia fluitans 1 4 Echinodorus ozelot 1 5 Cryptocoryne parva 5 Plants, Decoration No.Fish No. 1 1 4 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 8 06.11.2012 13:15:34
