Is it sufficient to only agitate the surface but not aerate the water?

I have a question concerning the filter in the aquarium, which is: Closing the hood pushes the filter downwards, so no air bubbles form any more, but the water surface only hss ripples. Now I would like to know if that is alright. Somebody said this was impossible: The fish would not get any air without bubbles being formed. 


yes, this is completely alright.

The main amount of oxygen is absorbed by the surface and not by aeration - however, the surface is also somewhat increased by bubble formation.

In other words: if the fish gasp for air at the surface without aeration, something is wrong in the aquarium (e.g. too many fish, too strong CO2 fertilization, cover panes that fit too tightly, excess water pollution, too high temperature, etc.).
In such cases it is of course advisable to remove the causes instead of only reducing the symptoms by aeration.

There are of course situations when aeration makes sense (e.g. during a disease treatment or in case of high temperatures during summer) - but they are exceptions to the rule.

Best regards

sera GmbH
Dr. Bodo Schnell

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