Skin changes during treatment against Costia/Ichthyobodo

My female Betta has had white blotches on her back for a couple of weeks. I found out they may be due to Costia, and have treated accordingly, but nothing has improved. Quite contrary, she now has a black spot on the back that looks as if she got burned. She does not show any other outer symptoms. She behaves entirely normal and eats well.

that may indeed be a sign of healing.

The skin is damaged by the parasite ifestation - these spots look accordingly when the parasites have been removed. Before that, it was simply covered by the parasites and the skin slime.

The normal behavior is a good sign - just continue observing at the moment and ensure good water hygiene, that is sufficient. I am confident that the fish will get a little better every day!

Best regards

sera GmbH
Dr. Bodo Schnell

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