Veiltail goldfish in an aquarium

I have four veiltails in a 25 liter tank. How can I tell whether veiltails are male or female? What do I have to do to make the fish breed? And what are the right care measures for veiltails?


first of all, 25 liters are by far insufficient for goldfish, including veiltails!

The gross tank volume shoud be at least 100 liters for juveniles, and the fish need to be transferred into a larger aquarium in time, according to their growth. You should consider about 300 liters for 4 or them - the fish grow to over 15 cm!

Concerning the gender differences:
the genders can be differentiated optically only during the spawning season - males then develop a so-called spawning rash that looks like little spots.

With appropriate care conditions (see below) the offspring comes almost by itself.

Important for the care are:

  • plenty of space
  • abundant planting (even if the fish nibble at the plants)
  • a varied diet
  • very good water hygiene/filtration

It is better to change some more water than too little, goldfish pollute the water strongly with their high digestion rate.

Best regards

sera GmbH
Dr. Bodo Schnell

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