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Aquarium environments18 Invertebrate aquarium inhabitants have become very popular during the last few years, since it is possible to keep them in relatively small aquariums. An aquarium that is nicely set up with aquatic plants and in which shrimps, crayfish and fish live together, is particularly attractive. Community aquariums with crayfish and shrimps by Dieter Untergasser T he size of the fish must match the ex- pected size of the crayfish. Crayfish are often only half their final size when you purchase them. Predatory crayfish species that consider their smaller co-inhabitants prey are of course not suited for such a com- munity aquarium. Most American crayfish species such as the well-known Procambarus clarkii, are therefore not a suitable choice. They can be kept with similarly sized or big- ger fish. The species from the Cherax genus that orig- inate from Australia and the Indonesian islands are considered particularly suitable for keeping together with shrimps and fish: Cherax sp. “Blue Moon”, C. bo- esemani or C. destructor. Suitable fish include small labyrinth fish, characins, barbs, Endler’s livebearers, platies and small cichlids. These Cherax species are so peaceful that, even when breeding them, they can be kept together with small shrimps that climb around on them. You must by all means make sure to provide caves and shelters appropriately sized for the crayfish. You can build them very decoratively from flat lime- stone and plant them with moss, ferns or Anubias. Crustaceans need to shed their skin as they grow. During and after skin shedding, the crayfish are very soft and lack protection until their new shell has be- come hard again. Small clay tubes, coconut shells and root caves serve as hideaways. If you are lucky to have a harmonizing crusta- cean pair they will start breeding soon. Shrimps multi- ply particularly frequently. Plenty of very small shelters and caves are required for the tiny offspring so they do not get in trouble while shedding their skin. You must also make sure the little crustaceans are not drawn into the filter. The sera Biotop Cubes with internal filter are equipped with a fine mesh net on the intake grid. You should protect the intake pipe with some fine mesh net or a sponge when using an external filter. Caridina cf. cantonensisCherax boesemani Procambarus clarkii
