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Josef Ravnak Founder and managing director of the sera GmbH Editorial02 Dear animal lovers, a symbiosis, in other words the cooperation of entirely different organisms ensuring mutual benefit, is a fascinating way for improving the life situation. Reef forming coral species that accommodate zooxanthellae are very popular also among marine aquarists, and they are successfully kept and propagated. The new pond season is eagerly anticipated after the long winter. Animals and plants wake up in spring and become active. Splendid blooms and lively fish are a pleasure to watch. We will give you valuable advice for a successful start into the season in this issue of your sera VIVO. Every serious aquarist is surely aware that fish are living creatures with complex behavior- al patterns and an ability to learn that should not be underestimated. They are much more than only beautiful looking “living decoration”. As an entry into this interesting and important topic, your sera VIVO deals with some important aspects from current research. You’ll find all this, and more, in this issue. We hope that you enjoy reading sera VIVO! Josef Ravnak
