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sera guide - My pond

5 Well planned A clear sketch of the planned pond helps you realizing your project. While planning, bear in mind that the pond should provide various horizontal levels for plants, as these are hard to attach to slopes and prefer dif- ferent water depths, depending on their species. The required pond liner amount is now easy to determine. 70 cm (28 in.) of lin- er should be additionally planned, these even out possible imprecisions and allow for easy edge designs. Once the pond pit is ex- cavated, it is important to remove pointed stones and similar objects. In case of irregu- lar soil consistency, it is advisable to use a little sand for smoothing out these inconsis- tencies. A tip: You can create a nice raised bed with the excavated soil from your pond. Maybe you would also enjoy a little brook running into your pond always supplying it with fresh oxygen. A tip: A so-called hose level easily allows deter- mining the heights of the pond edges so they can quickly be brought to the same height. This avoids unsightly pond liner being visible when the pond is full. A protection mat laid underneath the liner al- so protects against stones you may have overlooked. Then the liner is laid. Be sure to smooth out creases as carefully as possible, as otherwise rotting sludge may be trapped in them. Depending on your taste, you can put gravel or larger stones in the pond as bottom material or for decoration – never use garden or top soil, as this may lead to uncontrollable algae growth.
