How can I remove algae from the bottom ground and the plant leaves?

How can I best remove algae from the bottom ground and the leaves? May I carefully wipe the plant leaves with a soft cloth or a soft toothbrush? Or are there other tricks?


you can simply siphon off algae from the bottom ground, provided they come off.

A soft cloth or a soft toothbrush will work quite well in plant leaves.The same applies for rocks and roots, the brush then also may be somewhat coarser (e.g. dishwashing brush).
Important: the brush or the cloth must never have been in contact with detergents!

In particular, you should withdraw the algae their life basis by stocking the aquarium and feeding moderately, by adding plants abundantly, and by carrying out generous partial water changes with water low in nitrate and phosphate, pluss possibly changing the lighting!

Best regards

sera GmbH
Dr. Bodo Schnell

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