Can I keep Dwarf Livebearers (Heterandria formosa) together with Platies and Corydoras?

I have about 10 - 15 Dwarf Livebearers (Heterandria formosa) in a 25 liter (5.5 US gal.) tank. Now I would like to ask you whether I can keep them in a 54 liter (11.9 US gal.) tank together with Platies and Dwarf Corydoras. I am not entirely sure as I heard Dwarf Liveberarers are best kept in a tank without any other species.


there are no objections against small Corydoras (Corydoras habrosusC. hastatus and C. pygmaeus) −  however, the aquarium should be abundantly planted and provide a thicket into which the livebearers can retreat if they want to.

I urgently advise against adding Platies - these would massively threaten the much smaller Heterandria formosa and finally take over their place!

Best regards

sera GmbH
Dr. Bodo Schnell

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