News archive


Summer is here, get going!

Winter was for moping, now it is "get outdoors" and enjoy the sun. This i a particular pleasure for pondkeepers. They can spend relaxed hours at their…

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sera Snack Professional Produkte

Make feeding an eye catcher

The new sera Snack Professional products turn the aquarium into a cinema. The high quality food in chip shape strick to the aquarium glass where they…

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Tranquility and life in the garden

A brook is a nice addition for every garden: It does not only look beautiful but is also soothing and provides liveliness. Modern pumps keep the water…

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How can I deal with uncontrolled algae growth in the pond?

Too high nutrient levels in pond water may cause increased algae growth. Algae treatments provide help in case removing the algae mechanically is not…

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Where the sun goes up and down

Natural living conditions are essential in an aquarium, because they help avoid care problems. Like us humans, fish also require a day and night…

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