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Man gibt Algen-Stop in Teich

Paradisiacal ponds without algae

Spring, finally: The sun glistens on the shining water surface, fish swim about majestically, insects buzz around. Everything grows and thrives,…

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For the benefit of the fish

Aquarists know that even a low number of pathogens may cause serious diseases if the immune system is weakened. Prevention and a strong immune system…

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Japanische Amano-Garnele

A cleaning squad for the aquarium

A catfish moves along the aquarium glass with its broad mouth, somewhere else a snail enjoys its food between plants and decoration objects. Some…

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Stör Chips XXL

Optimal food for pond fish that feed at the bottom

Large carnivorous pond fish require large food chunks: sera pond Sturgeon Chips XXL is the optimal staple food for carnivorous pond fish, such as…

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sera Pond filter biostart

sera pond filter biostart

The metabolism of the pond fish strongly pollutes the water with organic debris. Insufficient bacterial breakdown leads to strong water pollution and…

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