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Logo Fördergemeinschaft Leben mit Heimtieren

sera supports "Fördergemeinschaft Leben mit Heimtieren (FLH) e.V."

Establishing aquarium and terrarium care as interesting hobbies for everybody has been a top goal of sera for a long time. The quality manufacturer…

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Frau gibt Sera KOI PROTECT ins Teichwasser

Advice for proper pond care

The last snow has thawed, the icy temperatures are over, and the sun shows its face for a longer time. It is spring, and a starting signal for all…

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Spendenübergabe Kölner Zoo und vietnamesische Me Linh-Station

sera supports project for species conservation in Vietnam

The Cologne Zoo fights for conserving endangered Vietnamese amphibian species in various breeding programs. The aquarium, pond and terrarium…

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sera is committed for pet keeping

Supported by the German umbrella association for pet keepers (DVTH), sera campaigns for keeping pets in private households also in the future. Some…

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Sera VIVO und Sera Kalender

sera VIVO and calendar

Aquarium, terrarium and pond keepers can now find the new issue of sera VIVO in the trade. Helpful advice and exciting stories about the hobby ensure…

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